Assess Your Situation
Start by listing your circumstance and what’s affecting your house:
Are you behind in your mortgage payments and in Pre-foreclosure or Foreclosure?
Are your relationships changing such as a death in the family or divorce?
Job change?
Has the deferred maintenance where the cost of repairing a home becomes too high to handle with other expenses?
Are you finally done with the hassles of being a landlord and ready to sell your property?
Now list what help you might need:
Assistance with market value
Probate assistance
Negotiating with lender to avoid foreclosure
Now, tackle the BIG ISSUE:
You can do online comparisons using online services or ask Sandy and she can get specific market prices for your area.
List what you think is your home’s value
How much do you owe?
What upgrades will you need to compete for the current market price?
Cosmetic upgrades like paint, flooring and landscaping will still be required and the costs is in the low thousands.
Structural upgrades like kitchen cabinets, electrical, or plumbing begin pushing the costs higher. HVAC replacement and termite damage are other considerations.
Move Forward Confidently
Sandy brings the resources you need to move seamlessly through your specific circumstances.
Negotiate a short sale with your mortgage lender buying you time in your home.
Move confidently through probate court.
Satisfy the requirements of a divorce or family dispute over property.
Sandy's team processes all paperwork error-free and completes the transaction as quickly as possible.
You’re now free to move forward and pursue the best housing solutions for you and your family!